
We are Kate Otte and Garrett Gibbons, creators of First Ascent and rock climbers (check out the about sections for bios). In this blog Kate will explore the game design process and guiding principles that shaped First Ascent. While Garrett will take a light hearted look at our quirks, passions, ethics, and communities to explore the relationship between rock climbing and tabletop gaming.

As we dive head first into the world of tabletop game creation and crowdfunding, it is apparent that tabletop game play, development, and community have many parallels within rock climbing. Jamey Stegmaier has drawn the connection between indoor rock climbing and game creation in his blog ( We will expand on these ideas and touch on topics including being the noob/gumby, mentorship, communication, and spreadsheets!

Images courtesy of @whatsericplaying and @emmelinewang.

Images courtesy of @whatsericplaying and @emmelinewang.

Game Shelves and Gear Racks

Have you ever taken a picture of all your game shelf with that prized new game front and center? I admittedly just learned this is called a #shelfie and it immediately brought to mind the stereotypical rock climber photo of all their gear neatly organized on a rack and tagged with #weighmyrack. In climbing terms, a rack has a double meaning, sometimes it's literally a rack or shelf but it also refers to the assortment of gear we’re taking with us on our harnesses up a route. 

The game shelf and the gear rack are gratifying for their organizational excellence, something about each piece in the right place puts me at ease. Additionally they can elicit strong emotional responses as I remember the first time playing a particular game, or really grasping the mechanisms and building a powerful engine. Similarly, a picture of climbing gear reminds me of all the times I’ve used that gear to keep myself and partner safe while climbing, whether it was for solid anchors, clipping bolts, or the rope that catches us when we fall. Lastly, the truly unifying thread that is embodied by these images are the memories of time spent with great friends and for that I appreciate the game shelf and gear rack!

-Garrett Gibbons


Being the new kid